Monday, May 9, 2016

Reiki - One girl's experience with healing

Sometimes the scars on the inside run the deepest and can be the hardest to heal. We push them down and hide emotions we can't or don't want to face. The downside of this is it can make us become numb, not just to the bad feelings, but to the good ones too. I've been on a mission as of late, to find a bit of peace and tranquility in this chaotic and ever-changing life. A great part of the peace I am seeking is opening myself up and allowing myself to find joy in everyday life. To do this I must find a way to heal my soul.

After falling in love with yoga and meditation, I've continued my journey by learning more about Eastern alternative healing methods and ways of more holistic daily living. That is how I stumbled upon Reiki and my life has taken a turn for the better. After lots of research and I found a highly recommended holistic retreat center not too far from me and registered for a full day of Level 1 training.

I won't go into deals about the class because I think everyone needs to experience it for themselves. I went in with an open mind and an open heart and my results were amazing. Since I left the retreat I felt lighter, like there aren't so many troubles weighing me down. For the first time in over a year, I got real sleep, not just medication induced haze. I noticed after a couple of days my normal hip pain during late day and evening is barely there. And most amazing to me is I feel happy. I find myself smiling throughout the day for no reason.

I won't tell people what to believe and I know many people discard Reiki and other holistic treatments for a variety of reasons, but I know that it has helped me in so many ways. I would encourage anyone who is willing to go in with an open mind to try it for themselves. And frankly, I don't care how or why it worked for me, I'm just so thankful that it helps me.  I continue to practice Reiki daily.

Change doesn't happen overnight, but I feel like I'm finally on the right path. I didn't know what to expect with Reiki, but I have been overjoyed with how I feel and embrace the continuing benefits of holistic healing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dead Sea Mud Mask

I love things that help my face look hydrated and radiant, especially when they don't have a bunch of ingredients that I can't pronounce.  I was very excited to try this product because it checked off all the things I look for in facial products.  So… let's get muddy!

I'm not going to lie, it feels wrong and oddly cold, to intentionally spread mud on your face.  In the back of my mind I hear my mom's voice telling me to stop making such a mess, which makes me even more excited to put it on!  I spread a thin layer all over my face, avoiding my eyes and mouth.

Once it starts drying, my skin feels super tight, which is pretty awesome. The 15 minutes I waited for it to dry seemed to go on forever, but it was definitely worth it. What a difference it made to my skin! My skin is and looks more hydrated and feels super soft.

This product is made by Foxbrim and the reason I chose this brand is because of the ingredient list.  Just dead sea mud and grapeseed extract, a natural preservative.  I've looked several other jars and found many other ingredients with the mud much further down the list.  This is a large jar and you only need a thin layer so I expect it to last quite a long time.

Have you ever tried a mud mask?  What were the results?

**I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest, unbiased review. I only share product reviews on this blog that I are relevant to our desired topics and that I believe will be beneficial to our readers.

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Yep, this is definitely a jar of mud… that I'm going to put on my face

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Two ingredients - Dead Sea Mud and grapeseed extract

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Strawberry Sweetness!

I'm one of those people who loves the idea of cooking and creating tons of all natural, no preservative, yummy dishes.  However, I am not one of those people who generally have time to follow up on those grand ideas.  I've seen this oven dehydrating strawberry recipe in a several variations all over the internet lately, and with fresh strawberries in hand, I decided to give it a try.

To avoid confusing myself with all the different options of things to add, I decided to forego adding anything to my strawberries.  So here is my little journey in oven dehydrating.


Fresh Strawberries (I used 2 lbs to make two cookie sheets worth of slices)

  • washed with the stem/leaves cut off
  • cut in half (thirds for large ones)

That's it!

I first lined my pan with tin foil and placed the slices about with a little space around each one.

Preheat the oven to 210 degrees and set a timer for 90 minutes (half way done!)

When the time goes off, take out the pans and flip each strawberry and back in for it's final 90 minutes of heating.

A little bonus I discovered... after flipping and returning to the oven, my house smells A-mazing!!

After a total of 3 hours of cooking time, it's time to take them out of the oven and let them cool.

I waited about an hour for them too cool completely, and yes, it felt like an eternity!  

Conclusion, these are some seriously flavor packed little bundles of goodness!  The sweetness is sealed in each bite.  One thing to mention if you are making this to add on to a dessert or something, I made these with 2 lbs of strawberries and ended with just a 3/4 full small tub of them.

Have you tried this before?  Maybe with other fruits?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Hello and welcome to Warrior Heart Gypsy Soul!  I decided to start a new blog to to discuss all things that can guide us to a healthy body, mind, & soul.  I will be sharing with you beautiful handmade items and interesting things I find along my journey.  I also wanted to create a forum where we can talk about holistic and alternative healing. 
After years of fast paced, non-stop adventures, I have found myself looking for the simpler things in life again.  I hope that you will join me on my journey to discover all the beautiful things in the world and find a way to have a peaceful, happy life in the midst of all the chaos. 
If you are coming over from "A Look Behind My Eyes," thank you for continuing to support my blogging journey after such a long hiatus, and into totally new territory.  For as often as life leads us in new directions, we always seem to find our way home.